Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Today I wanted to talk about the difference between some of the eyeliners you can find on the market. It can be hard to choose the right one and know what the difference are.

The kohl liner is the most simple one and almost everyone own one. You usually use it on waterline, but it can also be used all the way around the eyes, and it’s a good liner if you want to smudge the liner to get a more smokey effect. But it can be hard to get an accurate line.

The gel liner is the one you would typical choose to make a line on top of the eye as close to the lashes as possible, it’s also a soft line and is good to an everyday look cause it is soft and easy to put on with an angled or pointed brush. If you like to use false lashes this eyeliner also makes a good start and it’s waterproof.

The liquid liner is the hardest eyeliner to master. It’s hard to make a straight line and get all the way down between the lashes. But if you can master this liner you can get a really beautiful and hard black line for a night out!

The penultimate liner is a really good mix between the different liners. It can be used both day and night, it gives almost the same look as the liquid liner but it’s easier to put on! The only thing you should think about with this liner is that it can’t be used on your waterline cause it’s like a pen and it’s not good with water.

You can buy all the liners on mac.com


  1. I love liquid liner and gel. the one im using right now are maybelline and revlon. whats the best liquid liner would u recommend? want to try something new! :D

    check out my site as well!

  2. I think i will try the Maybelline then :) I really like Rimmel or Mac's liquid liner! Really like your site, it has so much personality!

  3. i love drugstore products since im still a student and on a budget but works really well actually. :) thank you for dropping by at my site. will follow u definitely.

  4. I'm obsessed with eyeliner! cannot live without it! really great blog! love the posts! I'd love for you to come check out mine!

    my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/amandamariabeauty06/videos?view=0

    my blog: http://amandamaria06.blogspot.ca/

    1. Tried to check out your blog, but it was down :(
